You would find a huge variety of pet products in the market and you might face the difficulty of deciding which would suit your pet the best. You need to be extra careful in this regard when you shop for your Persian cat's food items.
It is very important for Persian cats to have a diet which is steady and appropriate than other types of cats as their good health depends upon it. Requirement of vitamin is absolutely essential to their health more than any other kind of cat and as such they should be given vitamin enriched food, or otherwise some sort of vitamin supplement bought from the animal store.
The type of food and its quality is also dependent upon the age of your Persian cat. It is recommended that Persian cats of a month old to two months be fed milk designed specifically for kittens. Then as the kitten grows to 4 months up till it reaches 12 months you should start feeding it soft foods such as chicken and food enriched with vitamins to guarantee a healthy growth of the kitten.
You should make sure that your Persian cat should build up its natural strength against environmental pressure, illness, results of old age and other physical problems for which it would require to have a perfect immune system which could in turn can only come by giving it a balanced diet of nutritious food right from the start.
Once your Persian cat is one year old you must graduate to Royal Canin Adult Persian cat foods as this variety of food is excusively made for Persian breed of cats and continue to give your pet till it reaches the age of ten. Sometimes the pet owners make a habit of giving the same food to the cat everyday. If the food contains some element which is not suitable for the cat it may fall sick. One should follow a diet rotation if you want your cat to stay healthy.
This schedule can play a vital role in assisting your pet build a stronger and healthier immune system. If the diet is not correct then the Persian cat is susceptible to develop certain health problems.
Diabetes, food intolerance, allergies and indigestion are certain health problems which the Persian cats face but obesity is the most common problem with them as they are not at all energetic like the other varieties of cats.
Hence Persian cats need a balanced and carefully weighed diet. Human food is highly liable to lead the cats to becoming fat which can then in turn lead to various health problems and then can eventually cause the death of your cat.
If the cat's diet is properly supervised and the quality as well as the quantity is well regulated and your cat manages to live up to 10 years of age then it is recommended that you feed your cat a mixed diet, comprising of Royal Canin anti age and skin re-generation supplements. Another very important vitamin that a Persian cat needs is vitamin B, since it helps in maintaining a healthy coat. - 31851
It is very important for Persian cats to have a diet which is steady and appropriate than other types of cats as their good health depends upon it. Requirement of vitamin is absolutely essential to their health more than any other kind of cat and as such they should be given vitamin enriched food, or otherwise some sort of vitamin supplement bought from the animal store.
The type of food and its quality is also dependent upon the age of your Persian cat. It is recommended that Persian cats of a month old to two months be fed milk designed specifically for kittens. Then as the kitten grows to 4 months up till it reaches 12 months you should start feeding it soft foods such as chicken and food enriched with vitamins to guarantee a healthy growth of the kitten.
You should make sure that your Persian cat should build up its natural strength against environmental pressure, illness, results of old age and other physical problems for which it would require to have a perfect immune system which could in turn can only come by giving it a balanced diet of nutritious food right from the start.
Once your Persian cat is one year old you must graduate to Royal Canin Adult Persian cat foods as this variety of food is excusively made for Persian breed of cats and continue to give your pet till it reaches the age of ten. Sometimes the pet owners make a habit of giving the same food to the cat everyday. If the food contains some element which is not suitable for the cat it may fall sick. One should follow a diet rotation if you want your cat to stay healthy.
This schedule can play a vital role in assisting your pet build a stronger and healthier immune system. If the diet is not correct then the Persian cat is susceptible to develop certain health problems.
Diabetes, food intolerance, allergies and indigestion are certain health problems which the Persian cats face but obesity is the most common problem with them as they are not at all energetic like the other varieties of cats.
Hence Persian cats need a balanced and carefully weighed diet. Human food is highly liable to lead the cats to becoming fat which can then in turn lead to various health problems and then can eventually cause the death of your cat.
If the cat's diet is properly supervised and the quality as well as the quantity is well regulated and your cat manages to live up to 10 years of age then it is recommended that you feed your cat a mixed diet, comprising of Royal Canin anti age and skin re-generation supplements. Another very important vitamin that a Persian cat needs is vitamin B, since it helps in maintaining a healthy coat. - 31851
About the Author:
Blue Persian cats are amongst the most prized variety of all cats. If you would like to read more about the Persian kittens diet follow the links contained herein.